The Planez Oral Prep Tool (version N/A) has been created to collect private pilot oral prep question as a tool for students (and instructors) to help drill private and commercial pilot candidates on oral exam questions. If the "private" option is selected then all commercial questions are excluded, and if "commercial" is selected you get a mix of both.
This site is dedicated to Betsy McCracken in honor of her dedication as a flight instructor at the Wings of Carolina Flying Club. Her private pilot oral prep sessions are downright legendary. It has been said, honestly, that if you can get past Betsy, there isn't a DPE out there with the temerity to question your knowledge.
If you see an error (typo, wrong or incomplete answer, etc.) please send feedback to Dwight Frye. All constructive feedback is welcome.
This tool is built using the Svelte JavaScript framework. The back-end is built using the Java DropWizard restful server framework. Both are delivered as a unit in a single Docker container. The database is MongoDB, accessed from Java using the Morphia library.
If you have a question you've been asked, and don't see it here, send it and the answer to dfrye@planez.co so it can be included in this question set!